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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Quiz

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Ari Magill

Does it feel like no matter how much rest you get, you’re still running on empty? Are simple, everyday tasks suddenly overwhelming, as if you’re climbing a mountain with every step? If this sounds like you, you may be experiencing signs of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Don’t ignore these signals—understanding your symptoms is the first step to regaining control over your energy and well-being.

This chronic fatigue syndrome quiz from re-origin isn’t meant to replace a doctor’s diagnosis or treatment. But it can help you understand your symptoms better. It provides a starting point to track your symptom severity and see how they change over time as you manage your condition.

How Does This Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Test Work?

We’ve put together this guide to help you understand what chronic fatigue syndrome is and how it might be manifesting in your life. Taking our short CFS quiz below will help you gauge the intensity of the symptoms you’re experiencing and use the results to make a more informed decision about seeking professional help.

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How often do you find yourself feeling mentally or emotionally drained or exhausted (even after a full night’s sleep)? *
How often do you find yourself feeling physically drained or exhausted (even after a full night’s sleep)? *
How often do you find yourself feeling “tired & wired” at bedtime? *
How often do you experience joint or muscle pain? *
How often do you experience brain fog or memory lapse, or feel cognitively “sludgy”? *
How often do you find yourself feeling intensely exhausted after physical activity? *
How often do you experience intense overall symptoms? *
How often do your symptoms impair your day-to-day function? *

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Based on your results, your symptoms appear to be mild. You may find that your symptoms flare up when you become stressed or encounter something in the environment that triggers inflammation. You would likely benefit from making certain lifestyle adjustments to help minimize stress. If you’ve already done this and still experience frequent flare-ups of symptoms, then you may want to learn more about brain retraining to reduce inflammation and turn down your brain’s pain-sensing neurons. re-origin offers a science-based limbic system retraining program that’s easily accessible online as well as in a mobile app.

Based on your results, your symptoms appear to be moderate. Maybe you’ve been experiencing these symptoms for a while, or perhaps they’ve intensified in recent weeks or months. The good news is, that there are clear steps you can take to improve your wellbeing: Temporarily mitigating unnecessary stressors in your life can give your brain and body the break it needs to begin to regenerate. If you find that you want to take a more active approach to retrain your pain-sensing neurons and calm inflammatory processes – then you may consider joining the thousands of people who are now finding lasting relief from CFS through neuroplasticity or brain retraining. re-origin offers a science-based limbic system retraining program that’s easily accessible online as well as in a mobile app.

Based on your results, your symptoms appear to be severe. But you’re not alone. An estimated 2.5 million adults across America struggle with ME/CFS each year. The good news is that every challenge brings new opportunities, further research, and better options to help you heal. Some steps you can take to help yourself right now include: Temporarily mitigating unnecessary stressors in your life to give your brain and body the break it needs. Or if you’re looking to take a more active approach, you may consider joining the thousands of people who are now finding lasting relief from CFS through brain retraining. re-origin offers a science-based limbic system retraining program that’s easily accessible online as well as in a mobile app.

No matter what you’re struggling with, re-origin can help retrain your brain to break free from old, painful habits. If you want to get to the root cause of your chronic fatigue, join the program and find out how neuroplasticity can help transform your life.

For each of the following questions, you will be asked to select one of the following options to indicate the frequency of your symptoms: never, very rarely, rarely, occasionally, frequently, or always. Your unique answers will then be used to calculate your results and determine whether your symptoms are mild, moderate, or severe. Your results will show further unique educational information, and all results are strictly confidential.

Please note and acknowledge that this self-assessment is not intended to estab­lish a physician-patient rela­tion­ship, to replace the ser­vices of a trained physi­cian or health care pro­fes­sional, or to otherwise be a sub­sti­tute for pro­fes­sional med­ical advice, diag­no­sis, or treatment. The aim of this chronic fatigue syndrome quiz is to provide education about the condition. By filling out this self-assessment and clicking “calculate,” you acknowledge that you’ve read and agree with this statement and agree to re-origin’s Terms & Conditions.

What is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a complex condition marked by extreme physical or mental fatigue that lasts for a minimum of six months and can not be completely explained by another medical condition. CFS fatigue is characterized by worsening with physical or mental exercise (post-exertional malaise) but is not alleviated with ample rest. CFS can be so severe that even everyday activities become impossible. People with CFS may even struggle to get out of bed at times.

CFS and the Central Nervous System

CFS significantly impacts the central nervous system (CNS), disrupting its ability to regulate stress and maintain energy levels. The CNS is responsible for processing sensory information and keeping the body in balance. When dysregulated, it can result in persistent fatigue, brain fog, and physical symptoms like muscle pain. This nervous system dysregulation often leads to an “emergency mode” response, where the body remains on high alert, preventing it from achieving a state of calm and recovery.

At this time, the exact cause of CFS is unidentified, although there are several working theories ranging from viral infections to chronic inflammatory responses. A leading hypothesis is that CFS might result from a combination of factors, such as exposure to toxins, physical or emotional trauma, or infections. Given the range of triggers and their impact on the CNS and immune system, CFS can have either a sudden or gradual onset.

Chronic fatigue syndrome is also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), due to suspected effects on the muscles, brain, and spinal cord. However, the most recently proposed term is systemic exertion intolerance disease (SEID).

Self Assessment: CFS

How Do I Know If I Have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

Due to there being no specific cause of ME/CFS, there is no specific test used to diagnose chronic fatigue syndrome. ME/CFS can be difficult to recognize as many of the typical symptoms of the illness—extreme fatigue, not alleviated by sleep, worsening symptoms after physical or mental exertion (post-exertional malaise), and problems concentrating, among other symptoms are also present in other medical conditions.

If you suspect you might be suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome, it is important to see your doctor. Due to the lack of a specific or direct chronic fatigue syndrome test, such as an antibodies test (a blood test that checks if your body has built defenses against specific infections or diseases), your doctors may begin to eliminate other conditions that may explain your symptoms based on a set of diagnostic criteria.

To begin the CFS diagnosis process, doctors will check for several key criteria that must be present, which include extreme fatigue (lasting for 6 months or longer), which does not improve with bed rest or sleep.

Next, doctors use questions and a physical exam to see if you are suffering from three of the “core” symptoms of ME/CFS:

  • Reduced capacity to partake in usual activities for a minimum of six months due to fatigue.
  • Worsening symptoms (trouble thinking, difficulty sleeping, sore throat, headaches, joint pain, dizziness, or severe exhaustion) after a physical or mental effort
  • Trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, and waking up feeling unrested

Along with the three core symptoms, a diagnosis of ME/CFS requires that you suffer from at least one of the symptoms below:

  • Trouble with thinking and memory
  • Exacerbation of symptoms while standing or sitting upright (lightheadedness, dizziness, physical weakness, blurred vision, or seeing spots in the visual field)


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Additional Common CFS Symptoms and Co-Occurrences:

  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Abnormalities in respiratory function
  • Muscle pain and joint pain
  • Chest pain
  • Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ) or jaw pain
  • Limbic system dysfunction or impairment
  • Reactivation of latent viruses such as Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)
  • Presence of Lyme disease
  • Sleep problems and sleep disorders leading to unrefreshing sleep and a sense of inescapable tiredness
  • Reduced capacity to recover from physical activity
  • Thyroid dysfunction
  • Hyperactivation of the sympathetic nervous system
  • Mental health issues such as depression, stress and anxiety

Health Risks Related to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

ME/CFS can cause various grades of disability in individual people. Similar to other chronic conditions, ME/CFS can range anywhere from mild to severe.

  • Mild – The sufferer’s activity is decreased significantly
  • Moderate – The sufferer may find it challenging to stick to a consistent work routine or to remain standing or seated for extended lengths of time.
  • Severe – The sufferer is either wheelchair-bound, house-bound, or bed-bound and reliant on assistance for all daily care.

People suffering from ME/CFS are often too affected by symptoms to work effectively, attend school, socialize, and handle personal affairs. This can lead to financial difficulties. It is also common in the community to misunderstand ME/CFS and claim that a sufferer is simply tired, that the conditions are psychosomatic (due to psychological reasons), and that sufferers should simply push through their symptoms. These outlooks are not unhelpful but can also prompt a person with ME/CFA to push beyond their limitations, which can cause deterioration and worsening of their illness.

Healing & Recovering from CFS

Currently, there is no specific medically approved treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome. However, there is still much that can be done to manage and reduce CFS symptoms with the right tools and techniques. Individuals present with different symptoms and consequently need distinct forms of treatment to address the disorder and reduce symptoms.

Retrain Your Brain and Relieve Chronic Fatigue Syndrome with re-origin

At re-origin, we believe chronic fatigue stems from an overactive emotional control center (limbic system) in the brain. This can happen due to stress responses triggered by ME/CFS, leaving the brain stuck in “emergency mode.”

We also believe that the CFS symptoms brought on by CFS are temporary and can be reversed thanks to neuroplasticity—the brain’s ability to change and develop new neural (brain cell) pathways. Using specific neurocognitive exercises (tasks that stimulate brain activity and thinking), it is possible to retrain your brain out of “emergency mode” and back to a place of safety and balance where well-being can naturally resume. If you’d like to learn how to do this, join our program today.

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