Brain Retraining Program FAQs

What is re-origin?
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re-origin is a science-based, self-directed neuroplasticity training program with coaching, live programming & a supporting community – specifically designed to help you get back to living a happy and healthy life.
What conditions does re-origin address?
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Many modern, chronic conditions may actually stem from a common root cause, an overactivity of the limbic system – the region of the brain responsible for the stress and inflammatory responses. By addressing the limbic system directly, re-origin is able to help individuals struggling with a wide range of symptoms and conditions, some of which include:


What is neuroplasticity?
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Neuroplasticity is your innate ability to direct your brain to replace old negative neural pathways with new positive ones. By performing this “rewiring,” your brain can return to a healthy state and, thus, so can your mind and body. Let us show you how!
Why would I want to rewire my brain?
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During times of great stress, illness or injury, the limbic system can effectively get “stuck” in an overactive stress response. If left unaddressed, this ongoing “fight or flight” response can lead to chronic inflammation, anxiety, panic, and a host of associated symptoms that stem from keeping the body in survival mode. By retraining and rewiring the limbic system, one can change these vicious cycles, anxiety and ill health, into virtuous circles of healing, rest, and revitalization.
How does re-origin work?
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Once you sign up for re-origin, you will immediately be given access to our online video course and community. The neuroplasticity course takes just 6 days (about an hour a day) to complete, and you can begin retraining your brain right away by the third day of the program. You will also have immediate access to our online community forum where you can interact with other members of the community, as well as share and view helpful resources. The third and perhaps most important part of re-origin, and what makes it so effective, is our weekly group coaching “Momentum Sessions.” – These groups meet over zoom at the same time (and with the same people) each week to answer questions, stay motivated and make the absolute most of your re-origin membership.
How do I join re-origin?
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Signing up for re-origin is easy. Simply add your information to this checkout page and create your account. You will have immediate access and also receive a Welcome & Getting Started email that walks you through how to make the most of re-origin.
What do I get when I join re-origin?
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Upon signing up will gain access to:

The You Again Neuroplasticity Training Course Community forum with access to live online events & programs
*Weekly group coaching called “Momentum Sessions”

*depending on your membership type, you will have access to weekly or biweekly group coaching calls if you choose.
What are the benefits of joining re-origin?
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  • Reduce anxiety & stress
  • Restore health & homeostasis
  • Increase energy & wellbeing
  • Improve focus & productivity
  • Demonstrated recovery from a wide range of ‘chronic’ conditions:
  • Sensitivities (food, chemical, EMF)
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
  • Fibromyalgia & Chronic Pain
  • Lyme disease
  • Long COVID
  • Overwhelm, burnout & depression
Is re-origin a type of therapy?
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No. re-origin is an advanced, science-based neuroplasticity program + coaching & community. Its main function is to retrain the brain to mitigate the stress response and provide a supporting and uplifting community with whom you can heal and grow. re-origin is not a replacement for medical treatment or advice. This program is not intended to estab­lish a physician-patient rela­tion­ship, to replace the ser­vices of a trained physi­cian or health care pro­fes­sional, or oth­er­wise to be a sub­sti­tute for pro­fes­sional med­ical advice, diag­no­sis, or treatment. Please visit this page for a complete list of our terms of service
Do I still need to see my doctor if I join re-origin?
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While we ask that re-origin members commit themselves to re-origin’s approach for at least 6 months, we do not recommend that you stop seeing your primary care physician, nor do we make any medical recommendations. re-origin is not intended to estab­lish a physician-patient rela­tion­ship, to replace the ser­vices of a trained physi­cian or health care pro­fes­sional, or oth­er­wise to be a sub­sti­tute for pro­fes­sional med­ical advice, diag­no­sis, or treatment. Please visit this page for a complete list of our terms of service
How is neuroplasticity different from meditation?
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While meditation has been shown to improve brainwave coherence while in the state of meditation, re-origin uses scientifically-backed techniques that are targeted and specific to repairing the limbic system, resetting the stress response, and producing an enduring mental, emotional, and physiological state that’s been scientifically shown to optimize healing & recovery.

  • Meditation may help to calm the stress response (particularly while meditating), but, re-origin’s interest and edge lie in preventing the arousal of the stress response in the first place.
  • This requires a physical rewiring to take place by which the causative (negative) neural pathways must be broken and then systematically re-established through repetitive neural conditioning.
  • re-origin accomplishes this by offering a scientifically sound program that’s easy to implement and takes just minutes a day.
How is re-origin different from CBT or medication?
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Current options such as CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) and pharmaceutical interventions are prohibitively expensive and inaccessible to most, usually requiring long-term treatment commitments or lifetime management with inconclusive data surrounding their long-term effectiveness. These solutions do not address nor target the core issue, recently identified as limbic and amygdala impairment.

Most apps and online programs offer little or no accountability & personal support and therefore suffer from high attrition rates, yielding them ultimately ineffective.  re-origin solves this by offering a root cause resolution approach combined with behavioral science and community support
What results have people experienced using re-origin’s neuroplasticity training?
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People on the re-origin program generally report a dramatic reduction in anxiety, depression and physical symptoms in as little as two weeks and are able to sustain their progress more easily with the help of the supporting community and group coaching Momentum Sessions.

What are Momentum Sessions?
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Group coaching session, held over Zoom to answer questions and provide accountability & motivation to make the most out of the re-origin program. Those who participate in the momentum groups and engage regularly with the community generally experience the best results and gain the most from what re-origin can offer.
How long does it take to see results using re-origin?
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Some participants report feeling dramatic shifts in as little as 3 days on re-origin’s neuroplasticity training program, while for others it may take a few weeks to begin experiencing results. Because the aim of re-origin is the eradication of the root causes of illness and anxiety for sustained recovery, we recommend committing to the program for no less than 6 months. Bear in mind that everyone is different and has been experiencing their conditions for different lengths of time. For this reason, individual results may vary.
How do I know if re-origin is a good fit for me?
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If you feel like you’ve “blown a fuse” and are stuck in fight or flight mode; if you’ve tried other approaches and found only temporary relief; if you feel “tired & wired” or experience other ongoing symptoms, such as fatigue or sensitivities without a clear cause; if you’re ready to join an uplifting community that is serious about healing once and for all while sharing smiles & laughs & elevating your mood, then re-origin is for you.
How is re-origin different from other neuroplasticity-based programs?
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Other neuroplasticity-based programs tend to focus on just one condition, for example: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, and do not offer live programming and updated resources in a robust community. Many of them are based solely on the experience of the instructor and are not backed by actual science. re-origin conversely offers a dynamic program and community all designed by expert neuroscientists and behavioral psychologists to bring you the most advanced and effective program to-date. We also offer top-notch support, resources, and regular live Q&A Zoom calls for all individuals within the re-origin community.
What is the re-origin Brain TrustTM?
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The re-origin Brain TrustTM is our dedicated science advisory board that helped develop the re-origin program and techniques in accordance with the latest cutting-edge neuroscience and behavioral psychology. Through moderated discussion panels and Q&A sessions, you can be assured that your questions are answered by top-notch experts with decades of professional and clinical experience.
How do I sign up for re-origin?
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Signing up for re-origin is easy. Simply add your information to this checkout page and create your account. You will have immediate access and also receive a “Welcome & Getting Started” email that walks you through how to make the most of re-origin.
How long does the program take?
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The program is entirely self-paced. It consists of a total of about 7 hours of video – all broken down into easy-to-digest bite-sized videos of about 5 minutes in length. Some participants choose to go through the entire program in their first week, while others take up to 30 days. The most important thing is that you go at a pace that is sustainable for you and simply keep taking steps.
Is it ok if I can’t complete it in 90 days?
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Yes, You have a full year access to the core program + community forum. We do this to alleviate any sense of pressure while on your healing journey.
How should I train if I have
multiple negative thought loops?
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The program guides you through the process. Our recommendation is, to begin with just the top 1~3 that you feel are impacting you the most (those whose absence you would benefit from the most).
What is neuroplasticity?
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Neuroplasticity is the brain’s natural ability to reorganize itself and make new synaptic connections, allowing for new changes to occur. These changes can range from individual neuron pathways making new connections to systematic changes like cortical remapping.
Can you train neuroplasticity?
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Many theories and methods have been shown to boost neuroplasticity potentially. These include reading books, quality sleep, learning to limit stress, exercising more, memory training games, and having new experiences. Of course, these are not the only ways to increase your neuroplasticity, but it is a start.
Who discovered neuroplasticity?
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Many scientists and practitioners have alluded to the brain’s ability to adapt, but Michael Merzenich is credited with discovering neuroplasticity. Merzenich’s original goal was to establish that the brain could no longer change once a person was fully developed. Fortunately, his findings proved his thesis was wrong, and neuroplasticity is very much a reality.
What are neuroplasticity games?
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Neuroplasticity games are designed to potentially improve and boost cognitive function. So whether you’re expanding your memory or improving your mood, brain training games can be a great tool to flex your neuroplasticity.
Can I rewire my brain?
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Yes, you can! Rewiring your brain is very much like (and coincides with) developing new habits, which can be challenging. But there are a few steps that you can take to begin to rewire responses that seem to be entrenched in the brain. For example:

1. Identify the habit, thought loop, behavior or response you want to change.

2. Become aware, in the moment when it has its grip on you (when you find yourself helpless falling into old patterns of thought, feeling, or behavior),

3. Break the pattern by doing something dramatically different.

4. Rinse and repeat. – Repetition is the absolute key to creating lasting changes in the brain and is especially essential when it comes to rewiring those old stubborn pathways that we may have been reinforcing for years or a lifetime.
Can neuroplasticity increase IQ?
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Your brain’s plasticity can be improved using many different methods, including practicing something on repeat, trying new things, and gaining new experiences. As a result, utilizing neuroplasticity may be beneficial to increasing your IQ.
How does neuroplasticity work?
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Neuroplasticity or the brain’s ability to rewire itself occurs by the process of “pruning” away old pathways and “unmasking” new ones. When consciously and strategically applied, one can selectively prune away pathways that may be causing pain, or keeping old habits in place, and unmask and reinforce (through repetition and conditioning) new pathways that lead to a better experience and even better health.
Which best defines neuroplasticity?
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Plasticity is the ability to be changed or altered; neuroplasticity, then, is the ability for the brain to adapt over time by creating new neurons and building new networks.
What causes neuroplasticity?
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Research has established that the brain is a dynamic organ and can change its design throughout life, responding to experience by reorganizing connections. Thus, scientists sometimes refer to neuroplasticity as the brain structurally remodeling itself.
Who invented neuroplasticity?
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Neuroplasticity is a fundamental property of the human and animal brain and therefor was discovered and not invented by any individual. It is a function of the brain that allows it to grow and develop as it learns. Even though no one created it, Michael Merzenich discovered neuroplasticity by accident when he went to validate his hypothesis that the human brain could not change after childhood. Of course, his discovery of neuroplasticity proved the exact opposite.
How can I improve my neuroplasticity?
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There are many alternate ways to increase your neuroplasticity. Some of the best ways to do this are engaging in positive social interactions, being in enriched and stimulating environments, engaging in play, practicing and repeating positive activities—even mentally rehearsing them, and participating in novel activities.
When was neuroplasticity discovered?
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Neuroplasticity was first discovered in the early 1970s by a man named Michael Merzenich. His original goal was to determine that the human mind could not develop after childhood.
Can I stimulate neuroplasticity?
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It is not only possible but integral to having a healthy life to use your mind and your body to revitalize your brain. Enhancing synaptic connectivity through various means actively promotes cognitive and mental health and blunts the impact of negative stimuli.
Why is neuroplasticity important?
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Neuroplasticity is vital because it plays a significant role in humans’ capability to learn and adapt. Without it, the human mind would find it very difficult to continue taking in new information and changes as we got older, hindering our development.
What are the best neuroplasticity exercises?
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Some of the best neuroplasticity exercises are playing brain workout games, changing your daily routine, meditation, and physical exercise. Almost anything that breaks patterns and introduces routines and novelty, will be beneficial for cultivating new neural connections.
Can neuroplasticity be reversed?
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Yes and no. The SAID principle applies to neuroplasticity changes, which states that the brain produces Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demands. So if every day, you’re practicing the piano, learning new chords and building out new cortical maps, your brain is adapting to meet the demands of your new activity. However, if you stop practicing, or an even more extreme example, change the tuning on the piano and have to relearn all the chords, your brain will stop strengthening those old pathways and prioritize the creation of new ones. Now, just because the old pathways are not being strengthened, does not mean that they’ve been completely reversed. Some skills, like riding a bike, you never completely forget.. just get a little rusty.
Can neuroplasticity help with autism?
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Because neuroplasticity is the ability of the brain to adapt and change to its environment, it can be used in autism treatments to help improve one’s condition. This can be done by using neuroplasticity to alter brain function and structure over time.
How does neuroplasticity change the brain?
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Neuroplasticity happens when the brain forms or reorganizes new synaptic connections. So, it is really that neuroplasticity is changing the brain. But rather, that “neuroplasticity” is the term we use to describe the brain’s ability to adapt and form new connections.
When does neuroplasticity stop?
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In reality, neuroplasticity never stops. It will keep occurring no matter how old you become. The only difference is the rate of speed and perhaps the extent to which it occurs. As we get older, it becomes harder to learn new things or develop new skills, and this is because the older we get, the more myelin is laid to bind neural connections.

This process of myelination speeds up signaling time to make our habitation thoughts or activities more efficient. But the flip side of myelination is that cortical maps bound up in myelin become less flexible and harder to change. But certainly not impossible. Neuroplasticity primer exercises like those mentioned above can help.
Where does neuroplasticity occur?
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Neuroplasticity occurs in the brain. To be more specific, it appears in the brain using brain cells. Neurons are the most common brain cells used in neuroplasticity, but the brain can also make use of glial and vascular cells. Virtually all parts of the brain are subject to change via neuroplasticity. Scientists have yet to discover the limit of the whole brain’s capacity for change.
When does neuroplasticity occur?
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Neuroplasticity occurs whenever the brain rewires itself to adapt to new changes. Take a child, for example. When learning to walk, they will fall and get back up repeatedly until they can walk around without falling. This is the same with neuroplasticity. Likewise, whenever delving into a new activity or topic, the brain will rewire itself to complete the task at hand.
When is neuroplasticity most evident?
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Neuroplasticity is most evident in the early stages of a human’s life. When someone is still a child, their brain can mold and adapt itself at a much faster rate than adults. Still, neuroplasticity takes place at any age as is evident whenever a new skill or behavior is acquired.
Why is neuroplasticity good?
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Neuroplasticity is good because it means that we, as humans, are not limited after our adolescent years. Imagine if you couldn’t develop any new skills or interests after you turned 18 years old. Life would be very mundane, and we most likely would’ve never gotten to where we are today.
Can neuroplasticity help with mental illness?
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All psychotherapy is intended to cultivate awareness, change and resilience; the goal is to help people examine distressing feelings and experiences and teach them how to redirect into more functional patterns, restoring cognitive and behavioral flexibility. In short, yes – the ability of the brain to change is paramount when it comes to improving one’s mental wellbeing.
When is neuroplasticity at its best?
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Neuroplasticity is at its best whenever encountering new environments, whether it be physically or mentally. This is because neuroplasticity is used whenever the brain needs to alter itself to succeed in an environment, meaning it is at its best whenever taking in new information.
Why does neuroplasticity occur?
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The brain is always striving for efficiency. Neuroplasticity occurs so that the brain can adapt to new environments with ease. Without neuroplasticity, it would become difficult to learn new skills and even develop skills you might’ve already learned. That is why the brain is constantly making new synaptic connections.
When is neuroplasticity used?
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Neuroplasticity is used every single day. The brain is constantly making new synaptic connections so that it is always ready to change whenever it encounters an unfamiliar environment.
Does neuroplasticity occur throughout life?
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Day-to-day behaviors can have effects on brain structure. For example, a study of British taxi drivers found that memorizing the city roads led to growth in the hippocampus. In addition, those who had driven for longer had shown more growth in the hippocampus. These changes prove that neuroplasticity can occur well past someone’s developmental years.
Can the brain rewire itself after an injury?
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People who have endured brain injuries have showcased the remarkable capacity for the brain to change and heal. For example, the brain can move critical functions from a damaged area to a healthy one or recreate lost connections. One example is former U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords, who was tragically shot in the head in 2011. She lost the ability to speak following the incident, but music therapy helped Giffords recover the ability to express herself over the years.
Can exercise help with neuroplasticity?
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Physical activity is one of the best possible ways to open up “windows of plasticity” in the brain. Aerobic exercise helps the brain as much as it does the heart. The brain stimulates the release of the substance known as BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor) enabling new synaptic connections and increasing the strength of transmitted signals.
Can depression hurt neuroplasticity?
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The disruption of neuroplasticity by severe anxiety or adversity is a characteristic of such conditions as post-traumatic stress disorder and depression. There is a loss of synapses. In those disorders, people get stuck in neural stop gaps of negative thinking/feeling/behaving or fear-based behaviors. Fortunately, the road goes both ways, through the use of specific neuroplasticity techniques, one can leverage the brain’s propensity for change to combat the and reduce, or even undo the causes of depression.
Can neuroplasticity change the brain?
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Neuroplasticity creates the basis for mental health treatment using cognitive training. It means that changing habits through talk therapy can make biological changes that can help overcome conditions. Brain imaging studies have discovered this, demonstrating that treatment can produce lasting brain structure and connectivity changes.
What are examples of neuroplasticity?
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Wonderful examples of neuroplasticity are developing navigation skills, cultivating your musical abilities, and learning a second language. Of course, these are just a few examples of neuroplasticity, but it goes to show that it can be used in a wide range of areas.
What are the different types of neuroplasticity?
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There are two significant types of neuroplasticity. These are synaptic neuroplasticity and non-synaptic neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity is an inclusive term used to define the ability of the brain to rewire itself depending on the different experiences in the environment, either internally or externally.
How can neuroplasticity help with depression?
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Depression occurs when people get stuck in neural gaps of negative thinking/feeling/behaving or fear-based memories. Neuroplasticity can help someone with depression by developing new synaptic connections that are not based on fear or sadness.
What does it mean to rewire your brain?
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Rewiring your brain is the process of relearning information and altering already present connections to adapt in necessary circumstances. Brain rewiring is always happening to an extent, but it can be consciously applied and used to change our conditioned response to environmental factors, events and even past memories. The practice of brain rewiring relies on the brain’s natural propensity to change, also known as neuroplasticity.

Neuroplasticity is the primary term for rewiring the brain, and it refers to the brain’s ability to relearn information and form new neural connections. Neuroplasticity comes into play especially after an injury that may have taken place, allowing the brain to adapt and relearn.
What happens when you rewire your brain?
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When brain rewiring takes place, the synaptic connections within the brain form new networks and adapt to any learning and new habits that are taking place. Think of it as what happens when you learn a new language, an instrument, or even how to speak again if there has been trauma to the brain.
Can you really rewire your brain?
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Yes, humans can rewire their brain to a certain extent because of our brain’s capacity for neuroplasticity. When someone is able to learn how to walk again after a bad accident, the brain must employ new areas to recreate the walking motor patterns and embed them in a new region of the brain that is still fully functional. This new region then takes on the “role” of that motor pattern or skill and changes its structure and function accordingly. This is a clear example of the brain reorganizing and rewiring its neural pathways.

So again, rewiring the brain can be done, if you have the proper instructions for how to do it. Such instructions are given in the re-origin program for rewiring the brain to heal from a variety of chronic conditions. There are of course instances where the brain cannot rewire itself but the fact that it can at all is remarkable.
Can you rewire your brain to be happy?
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Research has found that it is possible through neuroplasticity to halt negative thinking patterns and rewire the brain to feel more generally happy. Working on certain mood elevation practices such as those provided within the re-origin program, can promote lasting happiness. Other ways to rewire your brain to be happy include things like, spending time in nature, practicing gratitude, savoring the moment, and performing random acts of kindness.
Can meditation rewire your brain?
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New research using brain scans show that meditation can create neuroplastic changes, however, the specificity of such changes is unlikely to match that of targeted neuroplasticity training meant to address a specific issue. To rewire the brain and change your mind and bodily responses with respect to a certain condition, for example: PTSD, chronic anxiety, or inflammatory conditions, a more targeted approach, such as the one re-origin offers, must be taken.
Can you rewire your brain from anxiety?
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Yes, a new study in the Journal of Clinical Medicine depicted a 45% reduction in anxiety from the use of neuroplasticity training. So, it is absolutely possible to rewire your brain from regular anxiety. Severe anxiety disorders often need more intervention to overcome them, but through consistent application of the techniques in re-origin , it is totally achievable to reduce your level of anxiety, live more peacefully, and feel at ease.
Can music rewire your brain?
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Music has the incredible ability to invoke a wide spectrum of emotions in a person as well as have many other effects on the brain. Studies have found that music helps engage the brain in ways that other systems cannot, and it can assist in rewiring the brain to lessen anxiety, increase motivation, and improve memory.
Can CBD rewire your brain?
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In recent years, there has been a primary focus on how exactly the hemp plant affects the human brain. CBD is a component found within hemp and there is some research to suggest that it may be useful topically for pain management or orally for individuals living with epilepsy disorders. However, more research is needed and re-origin does not participate in nor endorse the use of such substances for any reason.
Can Marijuana rewire your brain?
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Some research suggests that Marijuana may have an application for people suffering with PTSD if indicated by a medical professional. However, more research is needed and re-origin does not participate in nor endorse the use of such substances for any reason.
Can mushrooms rewire your brain?
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Research is learning more each day about all of the different ways that psilocybin (mushrooms) can affect the brain and the way it functions. A study at Yale discovered that a single dose of psilocybin was able to increase neural connections in the brain by an astounding 10%. Still, more research is needed and re-origin does not participate in nor promote the use of “magic mushrooms” or any other substances for treating anxiety or any other conditions.
How to rewire your brain
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There are many different ways that an individual can actively rewire their brain. If as little as 10 minutes each day for a couple of months is dedicated to retraining and rewiring your brain, huge advancements are likely to be seen. re-origin offers specific training that can teach you how to rewire your brain by performing daily neuroplasticity training exercises.
How to rewire your brain from anxiety
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If you are living with consistent stress and anxiety and wish to lessen it, re-origin offers a program called “You Again” that teaches and supports you to retrain the overactive stress response from the limbic system and return to a state of calm and joy.
How to rewire your brain for success
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A lack of steady confidence is often a huge factor in why success does not always seem attainable. Utilizing the practice of visualization and shifting your mindset as much as possible where you can each day will aid in rewiring your brain to help you be more successful. Although “success” is not a focal point of the re-origin program, many of the techniques given herein can solidly contribute to increased self-confidence and help you overcome avoidance behavior that steifles so many.
How to rewire your brain to be positive
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Humans have a habit of getting into negative thinking patterns, which unfortunately becomes the norm. Now, this does not say anything negative about you. In fact, the brain has an inherited negativity bias, meant to prioritize safety and survival above all else, including feeling positive. Just becoming aware of this fact, and realizing when you’re feeling negative, that’s likely not about you or your circumstances, but rather, it’s just chemical process taking place in your brain – can help you to dissociate from negativity and refocus your attention on thoughts and sensations that make you feel more positive.
How to rewire your brain to end addiction
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Addition is often accompanied by an underlying pain or discomfort that causes some to seek forms of pleasure that will distract you from the discomfort. Although much more is involved, some basic steps to rewiring your brain to overcome an addiction would be as follows:

1. Become aware of the craving or sensation that prompts you to act on the addiction.
2. Identify the underlying discomfort.
3. Use gradual exposure or incremental training to increase the length of time that you are able to stay with the unpleasant sensation without distracting away from it (it will eventually dissipate).
4. Replace the old addiction behavior with a new beneficial one.
5. Reinforce the new behavior by rewarding yourself each time you break the cycle and practice the change.
What can rewire your brain?
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Depending on the area of your life you want to utilize neuroplasticity and relearn, practices like visualization, journaling, reframing your thoughts, and music can help you rewire your brain generally. But if you wish to rewire certain functions or aspects of your mind, then a more specific and targeted approach is needed like the one re-origin provides.

Whatever method or technique you employ, it is important to note that at the end of the day, it is consistency over time that leads to lasting change.
What does it mean to rewire your brain?
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re-origin is a science-based, self-directed neuroplasticity training program with coaching, live programming & a supporting cRewiring your brain is the process of relearning information and altering already present connections to adapt in necessary circumstances.

Brain rewiring is always happening to an extent, but when consciously applied in the way re-origin teaches, one can practice and condition in a new way of thinking, feeling, acting or behaving.ommunity – specifically designed to help you get back to living a happy and healthy life.
Does Klonopin rewire your brain?
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Clonazepam, also known as Klonopin, is a controlled substance that can help treat anxiety disorders. This drug does affect the chemical makeup of the brain, and it can become addictive. Klonopin has not been shown to aid in rewiring the brain, especially not in a beneficial way – but it has been reported to be helpful to those that are prescribed it and need it to lessen their symptoms of anxiety and seizures in acute settings and under strict medical supervision.
Does Alcohol rewire your brain?
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If alcohol is consistently consumed over a long period of time, it does begin to change the brain. Scans of a brain that has been affected by alcohol can show the ways in which neural connections have changed and do not communicate as effectively as they would without the substance.