Why Brain Training Helps When Other Methods Fail




Published on

December 6, 2023


Updated on

May 13, 2024

Medically Reviewed by

Brain Retraining

It was believed for a long time that the brain stopped developing and forming new neural connections once someone reached their twenties, but with the advancement of research and technology we now know that this is far from the truth. We have learned through extensive neuroscience research that the brain has the potential to maintain its plasticity abilities the majority of life, and this plasticity can be applied in extraordinary ways to help improve memory, intellectual capacity, and even physical capabilities. There is still much to be learned about neuroplasticity, which is the brain’s knack for generating new and stronger neural connections throughout life. but we fortunately do know how brain training can benefit anyone and everyone so that their cognitive capacity can strengthen over time. We’re going to take a look at what exactly brain training is and some of the most beneficial exercises that an individual can incorporate into their life.

What is Brain Training?

Brain training, also known as cognitive training, or applied neuroplasticity, is the process of using particular mind-engaging activities to strengthen your mental capabilities. Doing these exercises regularly and consistently is essential when it comes to seeing and feeling results. One study showed that participating in brain training for at least one hour a day for a little over a month had the ability to reverse diminished cognitive function that was associated with aging. There is a wide variety of brain training exercises to take your pick from, and mixing it up and stimulating your mind in a multitude of ways can help produce advantageous outcomes, as well.

The Best Brain Exercises and Their Benefits

Every person and every brain is different, and some might respond better to certain brain training exercises over others. Thankfully, the technological era we’re living in has made it easier than ever to access and utilize brain training tools and programs. There is a wide array of phone apps available at our fingertips that we can make use of for on-the-go brain training as well as other technologies that anyone can benefit from. Some other ideal brain training exercises include:


Engaging in various puzzles, whether it be jigsaw puzzles or mind puzzles like sudoku, is one of the best ways to improve cognitive abilities. Puzzles require a high level of focus and attention, and over time this can aid with strengthening neural connections and increasing plasticity. It definitely helps to mix it up and to try different difficulties of puzzles to really give your brain an adequate training session.


Taking the time to pick up a paintbrush or some colored pencils is one of many fantastic ways to improve plasticity and overall mental wellbeing. Tapping into the creative regions of the mind has shown to increase serotonin levels, to help see new perspectives, to boost the memory, and to significantly relax the body and lower the stress levels. Stress is a major brain plasticity inhibitor, so integrating soothing activities like art is ideal. Art is also a great way to refine motor skills, which is especially useful for anyone struggling after something like an accident or a stroke.

Learning an Instrument

If you’ve been intrigued about a certain instrument and have always wanted to learn how to play it, you might be pleased to find out that this is a fantastic way to boost neuroplasticity. Learning how to play an instrument takes many hours of consistent practice, and the brain’s plasticity plays a chief role in developing this skill. It is understood that playing instruments assists the reorganization of neural connections as well as with strengthening them.

These are just a few examples of daily brain training methods that can be incorporated into your daily life. Dedicating at least one hour a day to a beneficial exercise has astounding effects and builds up the brain’s plasticity a considerable amount. It’s an added bonus that you can also learn or improve at creative skills like art and music while fortifying your neural pathways.

There are many ways to improve neuroplasticity that do not involve brain training, but sometimes these methods are not attainable or realistic. For example, exercise is considered to be an ideal way to boost the brain’s plasticity, but of course individual circumstances such as health can make this impractical. There are brain training exercises out there for everyone to use to their advantage – really anything that engages the mind for a long enough period of time. Reading books of certain genres is also a wonderful tool for establishing neural networks, relaxing the body, and stimulating the imagination. If you’re aiming to increase your brain’s plasticity and don’t know where to start, try out some of these cognitive training exercises to help give you quite the considerable boost.

Brain retraining for chronic conditions

At re-origin, we follow the latest neuroscience research that teaches us that the brain is the chief choreographer of all cells and systems within the body. Taking this into account, our team of scientists and experts have developed a science-based neuroplasticity program that is actively helping many people struggling with anxiety, depression or chronic conditions, to reset their systems and reclaim their health once and for all.

Absent the ability to change neural pathways, it would be very difficult to truly resolve many chronic conditions at a root cause level. Many are left to hop from one doctor to the next while trying to treat an endless stream of symptoms. Fortunately, many of these conditions such as chronic pain, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, chemical sensitivities and even post viral or bacterial fatigue such as Lyme Disease and Post COVID Syndrome – that don’t respond well to conventional single-bullet approach treatments, DO respond well to applied neuroplasticity training.

re-origin is a community that extends its vast collection of knowledge surrounding the topic of neuroplasticity to its members and shows them in a personalized way how to effectively integrate different techniques and ideas to enhance cognitive abilities. Harnessing the power of neuroplasticity can truly benefit anyone and significantly enhance human health, performance, and overall quality of life and re-origin is here to help you



